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a princal is the head of the school

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Q: What is a sentence for the word principal?
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What is a sentence using the word principal?

The principal is my pal.

How do you use the word principal in a sentence?

"I sent you to the principal because you misbehaved."

Can you give me a sentence for the word principal?

" The principal of the matter may vary"

How do you write a sentence using the word principal?

There are many ways to use the word principal in a sentence: 1. Who is the principal of Howard College? 2. The sum of interest he paid on that loan is double the principal 3. Aderogba will play the principal role in the next movie.

Good sentence on word Principal?

The principal is your pal, though he may not have any principles.

How can you make a short sentence using the word principal?

The principal is a good pal of mine.

How do you use the word princpal in a sentence?

She is the principal stockholder in that company. The principal of our school spoke to the meeting.

Use the word principal in a sentence?

My principal is so mean that we have to come to school on weekends. or I love how honest and trustworthy your principal is.

How do you use the word prinicipal in a sentence?

Referring to the school principal you could say; The principal was harsh to students who disobey.

How do you make sentence using the word receive?

I received a prize from my school principal.

What is a sentence using the word intercom?

"The principal spoke loudly over the intercom."

What part of speech does the highlighted word play in this sentence The clamor on the playground drew the attention of the principal.?

The highlighted word "clamor" functions as a noun in the sentence. It refers to a loud and persistent noise or commotion on the playground that attracted the principal's attention.