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Shanghai refers to a check out using the treble, single and then double of the same number. It is mostly used for a 120 check out, treble 20, single 20 then double 20. The single and treble can be in any order, but the double must be the last dart.

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Q: What is a shanghai in darts?
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What is a score of shanghai in darts?

A shanghai is a single, a double, and a triple of the same number in one throw of three darts.

If you were playing darts and got a 'Shanghai' score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?


If you were playing darts and got a shanghai score of 72 with 3 darts which number have you scored on?

12. Treble, single and double 12.

In the game of darts why is the word 'shanghai' associated with a single treble double finish?

Shanghai has to do with a nautical slang term that means to render someone insensible. Achieving a Shanghai in a game, or single, double, and treble finish, effectively throws others out of the game.

Does the Nerf Raider Rapid Fire hold streamline darts or suction darts?

it holds streamline darts not suction darts the suction darts dont fit in the drum magazine it can also hold micro darts and whistler darts

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The Nerf Mavrick fires all of the darts apart from Glow in the Dark so that is The Whistler Darts, Dart Tag Darts, Clip System Darts, Streamline Darts and Suction Darts.

Can you buy extra darts for the night finder ex-3?

Yes you can. Commonly called "Suction Darts", Micro Darts will do fine in the blaster and are sold where ever a large amount of Nerf products are. It can also work with Glow Darts, Sonic Micro Darts Whistler Darts and Dart Tag Darts. It will not work with Streamline Darts, however, so watch out for those darts.

What darts does the Nerf firefly use?

the firefly uses special glow in the dark micro darts, but can fire sonic micro darts, streamline micro darts, regular suction micro darts, and any other micro darts you can get

What kind of darts can the Nerf barricade shoot?

The Barricade RV-10 comes with 10 Whistler Darts, but can also fire Sonic Micro Darts. I'm pretty sure it also fires Micro Darts and Glow Darts, but not Streamline Darts.

What is the average number of darts to win a leg?

the average is about 12-15 darts the best is 9 darts

How many darts is there on the Nerf raider?

The Raider can hold up to 35 darts, and comes with 35 darts.

How far can the Nerf switch-shot shoot?

The Nerf Switch Shot averages around 25-35 feet per shot with Micro Darts, Whistler Darts, Sonic Micro Darts, Dart Tag Darts and Glow Darts, but very little with Streamline Darts.