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Q: What is the most convincing substittutute for crystal meth?
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Related questions

Is crystal meth one of the most deadly drug?

Crystal meth is supposed to be the second worst, but ecstasy is the worst. o.0

Is Crystal Meth stimulant?

Yes it is a stimulant. In fact is is widely regarded as the world's most powerful stimulant

How long does it take to get clean from crystal meth?

72 hours at the most in a piss test.

What is the difference between crystal meth and meth?

Pharmacologically, it's a central nervous system stimulant. Legally, it's a schedule I and is illicit/has no accepted medical value. (regular methamphetamine is a sched II and CAN be prescribed under the grand name Desoxyn).

What are the most abused illegal drugs in the us?

crystal meth is probably the most abused as its highly addictive. but crack cocaine is also among the top.

Crystal meth and no sleep?

Some types of the drug keep even the most experienced users awake for 12 or more hours.

Is it common to mix baby powder with crystal meth to hide the odor?

Many substances are mixed with meth to dilute the product. Most products used are inexpensive powders with little thought given to smell or taste .

What addictions to Rock Bands usually have?

Cocaine Crystal Meth Heroin Ecstasy I can't name all of them but you name it most of them have done it, Overdosed, or Died from it

Can you pass your drug test 5days after you snort crystal meth?

Can you? Yes! Will you for sure? not necessarily. There are different types of drug tests, and each has its own level of sensitivity. Most urine tests will only detect amphetamines, including methamphetamine (crystal meth), amphetamine/ dextroamphetamine (adderall) and MDMA/MDA (Ecstasy), for a few (1-3) days after use. Much of this also depends on your personal physiology. Being thin, active, drinking a lot of water and not supplying the first urination of the day for the test sample will increase your likelihood of testing negative after use. The best way of testing negative for crystal meth is not to do crystal meth in the first place.

What for crystallization is use?

Most people use crystal meth because it rapidly makes you lose weight, others use it as a energy booster. But its going to kill you sooner or later

How much does crystal meth cost on the street?

In order to enjoy the benefit of your purchase, most drug sellers make it cheap because economic problems. and cause im g

Why is Ritalin on the Drug Enforcement Agency's top ten list of most often stolen prescription drugs?

Because it is basically prescription Crystal Meth, or that's what I hear anyway.