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compound microscope

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Why is a light microscope also called a compound microscope?

A light microscope is called a compound microscope because it uses multiple lenses (a compound of lenses) to magnify the image of a specimen. This allows for higher magnification and resolution compared to a simple microscope.

What was the first microscope called?

The first microscope was called the "simple microscope" or "single lens microscope". It was developed in the late 16th century and consisted of a single convex lens used to magnify small objects.

What was Zacharias Janssens first microscope called?

Zacharias Janssen's first microscope was called the "simple microscope" or "single lens microscope." It consisted of a single convex lens and was an early version of the compound microscope.

Why the light microscope also called the compound microscope?

The light microscope is also called the compound microscope because it uses multiple lenses to magnify the image of a sample. This design allows for higher magnification and resolution than a simple microscope with a single lens.

What is simple microscope answer?

simple or dissecting microscope -

Why is the light microscope called the compound microscopes?

Because it is made up of more than one lens. A simple microscope is make up of one lens (a hand held magnifying glass can also be considered as a simple microscope). In a compound microscope, one cannot see the magnified image until both the lenses are used.

What was the name of the first microscope?

The first microscope was called the "simple microscope" or "single lens microscope" and was invented by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century. It consisted of a single lens to magnify objects.

Why light microscope also called compound microscope?

Light microscopes are called compound because a light microscope has more than one lense.

What way does a compound microscope differ from a simple microscope?

A compound microscope uses multiple lenses to magnify an object, allowing for higher magnification and resolution compared to a simple microscope, which uses only one lens. Compound microscopes are commonly used in scientific research and educational settings due to their ability to provide detailed images at high magnifications.

How many lenses does a simple microscope have?

A simple microscope typically has one lens. This lens magnifies the object being viewed to make it appear larger and clearer.

Is the objective lens in a microscope is also called the eyepiece?

No, the eyepiece and objective lens are at opposite ends of the microscope.

Is the objective lens in the microscope also called the eyepiece?

No, the eyepiece and objective lens are at opposite ends of the microscope.