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Q: What is a small celestial body that orbits another celestial body other than the sun?
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What does planetoids means?

any of thousands of small celestial bodies that revolve about the sun in orbits chiefly between those of mars and jupiter ranging in diameter from one mile to 480 miles

What is the differenece between a planet and a large space rock?

A planet must beRound or almost roundcelestial body that orbits the sunable to clear its neighborhoodClearing Neighborhoodhas enough gravity to get rid of celestial objectstakes small objects to create moonsattracts small objects to destroy them

A small planet that orbits the sun?

Mercury, is the smallest planet that orbits the sun.

Suns gravity keeps what in an oval shaped orbit?

The sun does not "keep" the planets in an ellipse orbit but only that it is so because the odds of a celestial body having a perfectly circular orbit are very small. But yes all the planets do have ellipticall orbits of varying eccintricities. There are laws that govern planetary orbits devised by Johannes Kepler. For more info look up Johannes Kelper's Laws of Plantery Orbits.

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Its the suns surface

What is a small object that orbits the sun?

a planet

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What is the small sphere that orbits the earth called?

The Moon

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What is a small piece of metal that orbits the sun?

An Asteroid

The greek astronomers explanation for the celestial spheres did not encompass the phenomenon?

The Greek astronomers believed that celestial spheres carried the planets and stars in circular motion around Earth, but their explanation couldn't account for retrograde motion, where planets seem to move backwards temporarily in their orbits. To address this, later astronomers like Ptolemy proposed the addition of epicycles - small circular motions on top of the main circular orbits - to better explain these phenomena within the geocentric model.