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The Sardine is a Herring like fish , that happens to have 7 letters , in it's name .

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Q: What is a small herring like fish starting with s?
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What is sprat fish?

A Sprat is a small herring-like, oily fish. Different species of sprat are found all over the world and are often fried and eaten or used as bait. The most common species of sprat is the European Sprat which lives in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, Southern Baltic sea, Adriatic and Black Seas and in the Mediterranean. It eats dead plants and animals and shrimp.

What do freshwater salmon eat?

They eat small fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton. Salmon are carnivores and eat meat and protein products. In the wild, salmon may dine on small invertebrates. When they are grown, salmon can eat smaller fish, like herring, or the ship-like krill. Salmon kept in farms are usually fed a ground-up mixture of other fish and organisms from the ocean. Salmon also eat crustaceans and insects, except when they are heading up-river to breed and die. Then they don't eat at all.

Is halibut fish a scavenger?

A scavenger is an animal that feeds on dead and/or decaying organisms. A halibut fish, however, typically feeds on plankton during its first year of life, whereas at two or three years of age, they begin to feed on euphausiids (small shrimp-like organisms) and small fish. As halibut grow, fish make up a larger part of their diet. Besides pollock, sablefish, cod, and rockfish, large halibut also eat octopus, herring, crabs, clams, and smaller halibut. Therefore, the answer is no. A halibut is not a scavenger.

What do yatorana fish eat?

small fish like piranha and maybe small birds and monkeys

What do mackerel scad eat?

mackerels eat fish aswell as tadpoles.Adult mackerel fish will feed on anything smaller than they are. Their favorites include herring, young mackerel, and lance. They also enjoy shrimp and squid.

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What is a small herring-like fish that starts with the letters BR?

Brisling: small herring processed like a sardine

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What is a small herring-like fish that starts with the letters g?

Grass Pickerel, Goldeneye, Gizzard Shad

Fish like herring that starts with men?

Menhaden are a type of herring.

What is the name of the north American fish like herring?

American shad, hickory shad, blueback herring, Atlantic herring.

What does a Humpback- Whale eat?

Humpback whales eat krill and small schooling fish such as herring, salmon, capelin and sand lance as well as Mackerel, pollock and haddock .

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What is the prey for the humpback whale?

They tend to eat small fish like crustaceans, plankton,herring, mackerel, capelin, and sandeel from the water.

What is a herring-like fish that starts with the letter A?

The alewife is a species of herring. It is found in areas of Canada and the United States.

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