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Q: What is a smooth bore cannon?
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A Type of firearm or cannon with an unrifled barrel?

smooth bore

What is a Type of firearm or cannon with unrifled barrel?

smooth bore

Is a cannon a gun?

In the true sense of a cannon (smooth bore) yes. If the field piece has a rifled bore then it is technically a rifle. Modern artillery is primarily composed of large bore rifles. Tanks are an exception to this, their main armament is commonly smooth bore, although more and more are starting to revert back to rifled bores.

What ammunition is used in a M1A2 abrams?

120mm rounds of all types fired from a smooth bore cannon.

What are smooth-bores?

Smooth-bore refers to a firearm or cannon which does not have a rifled barrel (a rifled barrel is one with ridges that corkscrew down the barrel to impart a spin to the bullet)

What are two types of bore site tools?

Rifled bore and Smooth bore

What is the section of a cannon behind the bore?


Can you change the barrel of a pellet rifle from a rifled to a smooth barrel?

Yes it could be done, but you would have to locate a smooth bore barrel to change it with. Remember smooth bore barrels are not as accurate as a rifled bore barrel.

Where can you purchase a smooth bore 177 air rifle?

Almost any Combination BB & Pellet rifle is smooth bore. BB rifles usually are Smoothe bore. The Crosman model 760 is such a rifle and can be purchased at most sportingood stores. Look at the packaging and it will say Smooth bore. Smooth bore barrels are less accurate than rifled bore barrels. Cabelas, Basspro, Big5 and Sports Authority usually carry them.

What was Texas bore a flag on the cannon printed as?

it was the border nothing

What is a smooth bore musket?

A muzzle loader shotgun

Why did soldiers use smooth bore rifles for?
