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A conductor

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Mossie Auer

Lvl 13
2y ago
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2w ago

A solid in which electrons are able to move easily from atom to another is called a conductor. This property allows for the flow of electric current through the material. Metals are examples of good conductors due to the presence of free electrons in their atomic structure.

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Lvl 15
3mo ago

An electrical conductor.

Such solids are copper, Silver, Gold, and Graphite (Carbon allotrope).

NB Ionic solids do NOT conduct electricity. However when liquid or in solution the ions are free to move , hence electricity is conducted.

e.g. Sodium chloride as a solid does not conduct. However in solution it does conduct/

NaCl(s) = Na^(+)(aq) + Cl^(-)(aq)

The aqueous species does conduct electricity, because the charged ions (Na^(+) & Cl^(-)) are electricially charged species, and can move in a solution.

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an inductor

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Q: What is a solid in which electron are able to move about easily from atom to another?
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Why potassium (K) reacts easily with bromine (Br)?

Potassium reacts easily with bromine because potassium's outer electron shell has only one electron, making it highly reactive and able to readily form a bond with bromine. Bromine, on the other hand, has a strong tendency to gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. This combination of factors leads to a quick reaction between potassium and bromine.

What best explains why copper is a good conductor of electricity?

Copper is a good conductor of electricity because it has a high electron mobility, meaning that its electrons can move easily through the material. Additionally, copper atoms have a single free electron in their outer shell, which allows them to carry electrical charge efficiently. Its crystalline structure also contributes to its conductivity by allowing electrons to flow with minimal resistance.

Why Ce is able to form a 4 plus ion whereas most other lanthanides form only 3 plus ions?

Cerium has a unique electron configuration that can easily lose four electrons to form a 4+ ion. In contrast, other lanthanides have a more stable electron configuration when they lose only three electrons to form a 3+ ion.

Which are the following is an amorphous solid?

Glass is an example of an amorphous solid. Unlike crystalline solids, amorphous solids do not have a regular atomic structure and lack long-range order. This results in their unique properties such as being able to be shaped easily while maintaining a solid form.

Who discovered change of electron by oil droplet experiment?

Robert Millikan discovered the change of electron using the oil drop experiment in 1909. He was able to measure the charge of an electron accurately using this method.

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A conductor

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What is a solid in which electrons are able to move about easily from atom to atom?

A conductor

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