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4mo ago

A strong electric field is one that has high electric field strength, meaning it exerts a significant force on charged particles within its influence. This can lead to the acceleration of charged particles and the generation of electrical effects such as sparking or discharges. Examples of sources of strong electric fields include lightning bolts and high-voltage power lines.

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10y ago

Two plates with a voltage between them have an electric field in the space between them equal to the voltage divided by the distance. A single sphere at a high voltage has an electric field round it that decreases with distance. High voltage components have a strong electric field round them, and this can be dangerous, so it is usual to specify the maximum acceptable field and set a safe distance for people on that basis.

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Q: What is a strong electric field?
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Is a strong electric field directed toward a charge?

A strong electric field directed toward a charge will exert a force on the charge, causing it to experience an acceleration in the direction of the field if it is positive, or in the opposite direction if it is negative. The force experienced by the charge will depend on the magnitude of the field and the charge itself.

Why is it a bad idea to put an electric watch too close to a strong magnetic field?

Putting an electric watch too close to a strong magnetic field can disrupt the delicate magnetic components inside the watch, affecting its accuracy and functionality. The magnetic field can interfere with the movement of the hands and inner mechanisms, leading to inaccurate timekeeping or complete failure of the watch. It's best to keep electric watches away from strong magnetic fields to ensure their proper functioning.

Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external electric field?

The net electric field inside a dielectric decreases due to polarization. The external electric field polarizes the dielectric and an electric field is produced due to this polarization. This internal electric field will be opposite to the external electric field and therefore the net electric field inside the dielectric will be less.

How can you tell whether an electric field is present?

You can use an electric field sensor or a charged object to detect the presence of an electric field. The sensor will measure the electric field strength, while the charged object may experience a force or movement when placed in an electric field. Additionally, observing the behavior of charged particles in the presence of the field can also indicate its presence.

Which of the following are created by an arrangement of electric charge or a current?

for apex its: a quantum field, a gravitational field

Related questions

Is a strong electric field directed toward a charge?

A strong electric field directed toward a charge will exert a force on the charge, causing it to experience an acceleration in the direction of the field if it is positive, or in the opposite direction if it is negative. The force experienced by the charge will depend on the magnitude of the field and the charge itself.

Are the paths of neutrons affected by an electric field?

No, the paths of neutrons are not affected by electric fields because neutrons are neutral particles and do not carry an electric charge. They only interact via the strong nuclear force and gravity.

Where is the electric field strong and weak?

The electric field is strongest close to the source charge and weakens with distance from the source. It is weaker in regions with insulating materials compared to regions with conducting materials. Additionally, the electric field is weaker inside a conductor compared to outside the conductor due to charge redistribution.

What is meant by electric field intencity?

Electric field intensity represents the strength of an electric field at a specific point. It is a vector quantity that indicates the force experienced by a positive test charge placed at that point. The magnitude of the electric field intensity is given by the force per unit charge.

Why is it a bad idea to put an electric watch too close to a strong magnetic field?

Putting an electric watch too close to a strong magnetic field can disrupt the delicate magnetic components inside the watch, affecting its accuracy and functionality. The magnetic field can interfere with the movement of the hands and inner mechanisms, leading to inaccurate timekeeping or complete failure of the watch. It's best to keep electric watches away from strong magnetic fields to ensure their proper functioning.

How can you tell whether an electric field is present?

You can use an electric field sensor or a charged object to detect the presence of an electric field. The sensor will measure the electric field strength, while the charged object may experience a force or movement when placed in an electric field. Additionally, observing the behavior of charged particles in the presence of the field can also indicate its presence.

Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external electric field?

The net electric field inside a dielectric decreases due to polarization. The external electric field polarizes the dielectric and an electric field is produced due to this polarization. This internal electric field will be opposite to the external electric field and therefore the net electric field inside the dielectric will be less.

Why is the electric field is a vector?

Because to completely describe it you must know both how strong it is (magnitude) and in what direction it points.

Which of the following are created by an arrangement of electric charge or a current?

for apex its: a quantum field, a gravitational field

A strong electric field exists in the vinicity of the faraday cage why the person inside the cage is not affected?

The Faraday cage effectively blocks external electric fields from penetrating inside. When a Faraday cage is properly constructed, the electric field induces equal and opposite charges on the conductive material, canceling out the field inside the cage. As a result, the person inside the cage is not affected by the external electric field because the cage shields them from its influence.

What is high voltage electrical field?

Two plates with a voltage between them have an electric field in the space between them equal to the voltage divided by the distance. A single sphere at a high voltage has an electric field round it that decreases with distance. High voltage components have a strong electric field round them, and this can be dangerous, so it is usual to specify the maximum acceptable field and set a safe distance for people on that basis.

What is the area around an electric charge which is strongest closest to the charged particle?

It's the electric field.