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Some acids will erode almost anything.

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Q: What is a substance that will eat away any material?
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What substance will eat away at a material?

it depends... id say an acid for a simple answer.

What is the definition of caustic?

Caustic material is some form of substance that has the ability to destroy or eat away at living tissue. Certain bacteria, such as MRSA, are considered caustic materials.

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When a substancd is corrosive it usually is a strong acid or alkali that can eat away at materials

Does erode mean to wear away?

It means to wear away slowly. 1: to diminish or destroy by degrees: a: to eat into or away by slow destruction of substance (as by acid, infection, or cancer) b: to wear away by the action of water, wind, or glacial ice eroded the hillside> c: to cause to deteriorate or disappear as if by eating or wearing away eroding buying power> S

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Only if you eat it. The substance is americium-241, and it's so small that whatever radioactivity it produces is harmless.

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a substance known as water or a silicon water base. any kind of salt.

What does Christians eat and drink?

The Christian religion does not prohibit followers from eating or drinking any substance.

What is a Corrosive Agent?

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A product has a warning label that states that it is caustic?

If you are asking what caustic means, then it is a substance that acts like acid and will destroy or eat away at unprotected surfaces.