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sustainable energy is the kind of energy that will never run out. example: solar energy, wind energy,etc.

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Q: What is a sustainable energy source?
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What statement is true A. A sustainable energy source is one that will not run out. B. A sustainable energy source is one that does not cost very much. C. A sustainable energy source is one with a hig?

A. A sustainable energy source is one that will not run out. This is because sustainable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower are renewable and can be used indefinitely without depleting their source.

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What is a sentence that uses the word sustainable?

Solar energy is a sustainable power source.

What is another name for a renewable resource?

A renewable resource can also be called a sustainable resource.

Is Solar sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

Is solar a sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

Is solar power the main source of sustainable energy in KSA?

Yes, solar power is the main source of sustainable energy in the country given the hot climate in the region. However, the government and the private companies are striving towards developing sustainable energy through wind, water and waste management as well.

What is biggest natural source of energy?

The sun is the biggest natural source of energy on Earth. Solar energy can be converted into electricity through solar panels, providing a sustainable and renewable source of power.

Is radiant energy sustainable?

Yes, radiant energy from the sun is sustainable as it is a renewable resource that will not deplete over time. Harnessing radiant energy through solar panels can provide a long-term and environmentally friendly source of power.

What is good about using sustainable sources of energy?

well if you used an unsustainable source there wouldn't be any left whereas if you use a sustainable source there should still be lots left and it should keep making more energy to use by a girl aged 11

Is wind a source of energy?

Yes, wind is a renewable source of energy that can be harnessed to produce electricity through wind turbines. Wind energy is considered clean and sustainable, as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during its operation.

Is sugar cane a renewable or non -renewable source of energy?

It is A renewable source of energy.