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A crown

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Q: What is a symbol for a royal colony?
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What was the colony that was governed by appointees of the King was?

royal colony

Was a royal colony?

it was never a royal colony

Was Virgina a proprietary colony a royal colony or a corporate colony?

Virgina was a royal colony

What type of colony did Jamestown later become?

A Royal Colony

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Which was a proprietary colony before coming a royal colony

was Georgia a royal proprietary or corporate colony?

Royal Colony

What is another name for a royal colony?

Virginia was a royal colony

Was the colony of Massachusetts a royal representative or proprietary colony?

Massachusetts was a royal colony. ~B~

What are the differences between a proprietary colony and a royal colony?

compare Royal colony and Proprietary

In what year did Connecticut become a royal colony?

Connecticut Colony did not become a royal colony , it became a proprietary colony

Was Maryland a royal colony?

Yes, it became a royal colony in 1691.

Who was the royal representative in a colony?

There was a Royal Governor appointed to each colony.