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A tabular crystal habit refers to the appearance of a mineral crystal as a somewhat flat, tablet shaped form.

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2mo ago

A tabular crystal habit refers to a flat, plate-like shape exhibited by certain crystals. These crystals have two dimensions that are much larger than the third, resulting in thin, flattened shapes resembling a plate or tablet. This habit is commonly observed in minerals like mica and barite.

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What is a crystals habit?

A tabular crystal habit refers to the appearance of a mineral crystal as a somewhat flat, tablet shaped form.

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A habit.

What is the difference between crystal habit and cleavage?

i think crystal habit is the minerals structure, while cleavage is the patter it breaks into.

What mineral property observer number and angle of crystal faces?

sorry i do not know

What is crystal habit?

Crystal habit refers to the visible characteristics that a crystal takes on as it grows. It includes factors such as shape, size, and orientation of crystal faces.Crystal habits can vary widely depending on the specific conditions under which the crystal formed.

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Hematite typically forms in a tabular, rhombohedral, or botryoidal shape. Tabular hematite crystals are thin and flat, rhombohedral crystals have a slightly distorted cube shape, and botryoidal hematite forms rounded, grape-like clusters.

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A raw diamond has these geometric characteristics: its crystal habit is octahedral, and its crystal system is isometric-hexoctahedral (cubic).

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Gypsum is a mineral with a monoclinic crystal system. Its crystals typically form as prismatic or tabular monoclinic shapes.

What mineral property is determined by the number and angle of crystal faces?

Crystal habit is the mineral property determined by the number and angle of crystal faces. It refers to the external shape of a mineral as determined by its internal crystalline structure. Crystal habit can vary widely among different minerals and is influenced by factors such as growth conditions and crystal symmetry.

What is the difference between HABIT and FORM of a mineral?

The crystal habit is the way a mineral grows when it is uninhibited (not interfered with with other minerals or limits on the growing space).