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It is a word with 6 letters and is a type of loop

None other then the RADIAL loop

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Q: What is a type of loop that opens up towards the radius bone of an arm?
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Which type of fingerprint pattern requires that you know which hand it came from before you can identify it?

loop. it the ridge comes in and ends pointing toward the ulna (bone in arm aligned with little finger), it is an ulnar loop. if the loop comes in and ends pointing toward the radius (bone in arm aligned with thumb), it is a radial loop. Radial loops are quite rare, occurring in around 4% of loops.

A loop pattern that opens toward the thumb is known as a?

A arch

How does the radius of a circle affect the speed of an object moving in a loop?

It does not.

A block of mass m slides down an inclined plane into a loop-the-loop of radius r At what vertical height on the inclined plane in terms of the radius of the loop must the block be released if it is?

The block must be released from a vertical height equal to 2 times the radius of the loop at the top of the inclined plane. This height allows the block to have sufficient velocity at the top of the loop to overcome gravity and complete the loop without falling off.

How do you graph a loop de loop in function mode on a TI 83?

You can't graph it in one function. You can graph a series of things that will, together with a little imagination, look much like a loop de loop: Y1=sqrt(100-X^2) Y2=-Y1 (use the VARS button) Y3=-10 This will draw the top half of a circle with radius 10, (the equation of a circle centered at (0,0) with radius r is x^2+y^2=r^2; when radius is 10, solving for y makes these Y1 and Y2 functions) then the bottom half of it, then a line at y=-10 to be the 'road' below the loop de loop.

How much height velocity and radius of the loop for a 200kg roller coaster to obtain a perfect loop?

It's phycotic. You need a lobabamoty. Otherwise, you'd know that you need 2!

What is t he loop pattern that opens toward the thumb is known as?

im not sure but if you find out could you please email me and ask me.

In Turing write a program that prompts for the radius of a circle then calculates and outputs the circumference?

I'm not sure how you'd do this in C++, but I could have a go at it in php since that's what I know. You know that Pi is approximately 22/7, in php you can use the pi function. You'd need your input(radius) to come from a form if it was web-based, which is simple enough. perimeter = 2nr = 2 x (22/7) x r function getPerimeter ($input) { $input = $_GET['formInput']; $pi=pi(); $perimeter = (2*$pi)*$input; return $perimeter; } HTH

What does kloothoid loop mean?

Clothoid Loop A vertical loop that is teardrop shaped Roller coasters today employ clothoid loops rather than the circular loops of earlier roller coasters. This is because circular loops require greater entry speeds to complete the loop. The greater entry speeds subject passengers to greater centripetal acceleration through the lower half of the loop, therefore greater G's. If the radius is reduced at the top of the loop, the centripetal acceleration is increased sufficiently to keep the passengers and the train from slowing too much as they move through the loop. A large radius is kept through the bottom half of the loop, thereby reducing the centripetal acceleration and the G's acting on the passengers.

How does a neuron create a positive feedback loop?

through what can be seen as the domino effect. when depolarization opens sodium ion channel and that results to the opening of more sodium ion channels. this creates a positive feedback loop.

What is toroidal?

raduis of amper loop is greater than than the radius of its own toriod..than this toriod is called ideal toriod

How does the radius of a circle affect the seed of an object moving a loop?

If an object moves in a circular path it goes faster when the radius gets smaller according to the equation of circular motion F=mv^2 /r