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Amoeba (sometimes amœba or ameba, plural amoebae) is a genus of protozoa that moves by means of pseudopods, and is well-known as a representative unicellular organism. The word amoeba or ameba is variously used to refer to it and its close relatives, now grouped as the Amoebozoa, or to all protozoa that move using pseudopods, otherwise termed amoeboids.

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Q: What is a type of organism made up of only a single cells?
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What are some single celled organisms?

Single celled is when an organism only has one cell, such as a paramecium. Single-celled is the same as unicellular. There is two kinds of cells: unicellular (single-celled) and multicellular ( has many cells).

How is the cell of a one celled organism different from the cells in many-celled organism?

One cell or unicellular organism cells are of simpler forms mostly prokaryotes. In one cell organisms all the vital functions which are necessary for the life is carried by the same cell. In many cell or multicellular organisms the cells are complex and are called eukaryotic cells. In multicellular organism the cells are divided and are specialized in performing different functions according to need as some cells like blood work to carry oxygen, some cell hv functions like secreating some fluids like hormones or vitamins.

Why can't human beings be unicellular organisms?

The cells that make up complex organisms are specialised, that is, they have a particular job to perform within the organism. They may be blood cells, or neural cells, or liver cells. Their specialisation means they cannot provide for themselves. Without the other body systems to remove their waste and provide them with oxygen, water, energy and nutrients they will not function.

Is a tree an organism?

Any mass of living cells that shares the same genetic code base, and which function together in a system is considered an organism. Yes, it is an eukaryote(cells contain a nucleus), autotroph (makes its own food), and is vascular(a more complicated plant). Not only animals can be organisms. And organism is really any living thing. It has systems, needs energy to grow, and grows and develops. Yes, a tree is an organism.

What do all living things have?

All living things are made of at least one cell. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living things.

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Do plants only have cells?

No, every living organism is made up of cells (or a single cell)

Is a burning candle made of cells?

No. Only a living or deceased organism is made of cells.

What does single celled?

Single celled is when an organism only has one cell, such as a paramecium. Single-celled is the same as unicellular. There is two kinds of cells: unicellular (single-celled) and multicellular ( has many cells).

Do pine trees have single cells?

Yes, a pine cone is made up of cells. Everything except perhaps pure Energy is made up of molecules, but only things that are living or were living are made up of cells. A pine cone is created by a living organism (tree) and therefore the pine cone must be made up of cells.

Cells belong to an organism in which kingdom?

Organism in all of the kindoms are made up of one or more cells. Only virus don't have cells, and they are not officially in one of the kingdoms.

The cells of multicellular organisms?

cells are cells, but a multicellular organism has more than one cell, though unicellular organisms have only a single cell.

What organism have many cells?

fungi, animalia and plantae. protozoa and bacterias have only single celled organisms

What is the different between a cell and a organism?

well cells make up each living organism along with atoms , therfore we are made of cells. cells along with atoms they are the basic building blocks of life. organisms come from them A Cell is the smallest thing that can truly be considered alive. "Organism" just means one body, one living thing. You are an organism. A tree is an organism. A bacterium is an organism. Some organisms are made up of many cells, like you and I, whereas some organisms are only a single cell, like bacteria or amoeba.

When can a single cell be called a organism?

I assume you meant single "celled" organism. It is an organism (life form) that consists of only a sigle cell as opposed to most all other lifeforms on earth which are comprised of many (billions) of cells.

Why is it beneficial to be multicellular?

Because a single cell isn't very complex. The more cells an organism has, the more it can specialize it's cells, such as all the specialized cells that make up your brain, stomach, skeleton, muscles, etc. An organism that is made up of only one cell, that one cell has to do everything that each of our specialized cells do.

Decribes an organism that can exist only as a group of cells?

decibe an organism that can exist only as a group of cells

Are protista single celled or multi celled?

Yes. Protists do have cells, but only one of them. Protists are unicellular, having one or few cells in their microscopic bodies.