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A V shaped valley, over time the river erodes downwards causing a channel, then the rocks at the sides collapse in because they have nothing supporting them causing a valley with steep sides

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Q: What is a valley with very steep sides?
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A narrow valley with very steep sides?

A canyon or chasm

What is a steep sides river valley which is very narrow and deep?

Such structure could be called a Canyon.

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What is a deep narrow valley with steep edges?

A deep valley with steep sides would be called a gorge or canyon.

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A canyon typically has steep narrow sides and a flat floor as a result of erosion from rivers or glaciers carving through the landscape over time.

What is a valley with high steep sides?

It is a Canyon as in the Grand Canyon.

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What is a steep valley?

A steep valley is called a canyon or ravine. Valleys can have different shapes because of the shape of the land and what is eroding it. The canyons usually have steep sides. Other words that can refer to a steep valley include gully, hollow and gorge.

What do basins and canyons have in common?

Basins and canyons are both valleys. A basin is a wide valley shaped like a bowl and a canyon is a very narrow valley with steep sides.

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A 'hanging valley' is a valley which is cut across by a river flowing in a deeper valley.

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What do you call a deep valley with high steep sides?
