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Q: What is a value of PaO2 of 75 mmHg?
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What is the formula for AA gradient?

PAO2 - PaO2 ****************************************** PAO2 is the Alveolar Air Equation: PAO2 = FiO2 (Pb- Ph20) - PACO2/R Notes: Pb = 760 mmHg Ph20 = 47 mmHg R = 0.8

What is the normal value of PaO2?

Arterial values should be between 85 and 100 mmHg, Venous values should be between 30 and 40 mmHg.

What is the average amount of oxygen we breathe in?

About 20%% of the air we breath is oxygen. The PaO2 (oxygen breathed in mmhg) is approximately 100 mmhg.

What is a list of the normal arterial blood gas values?

There are many measures of Arterial Blood Gases. The most common measure oxygen (by PaO2) and carbon dioxide (by PaCO2) levels. Normal PaO2 is 80-100 mmHg. Normal PaCO2 is 35-45 mmHg. Bicarbonate is sometimes measured and its value is 22-26 mmHg. Other measurements are also taken depending on the situation. Source:

What is the normal PaO2 for older adults?

The normal PaO2 for older adults is typically around 75-100 mmHg. However, age-related changes in lung function can affect oxygen levels in the blood, so individual variations may occur. Monitoring oxygen levels and adjusting treatment accordingly is important for elderly patients.

If a person's blood pressure is 115 mmHg over 75 mmHg what does the 75 represens?

The 115 is at the moment of contraction [beat] the 75 is the pressure between beats.

Convert 749 mmHg to atmospheres?

mmHg x 0.001316 = atmospheres749 mmHg x 0.001316 = about 0.9855 atm

What does it mean when PaO2 is 29?

Pa02 of 29 mmHg means the person is at high risk of dying.. the person in severely hypoximic, and is in immediate need of ventilatory support.. -Lester de Vera, Manila Philippines

What is the value of PaCO2 in mmHg?

35-45 mm Hg

How many atmospheres is 751.5 mmhg?

751 mm col. Hg equal 0,988 157 9 atmosphere.

The most important intervention for treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease is to?

Administer O2 to achieve a PaO2 greater than 60 mmHg. The correction of hypoxemia through the use of oxygen therapy is the most important intervention.

If PAO2 is low and bicarb is low what is the problem?

If PAO2 is low...... Then PaO2 would be low........ Then low SaO2.....then low content CaO2..... Then low DO2.... Then Hypoxia.....lactic acidosis( anaerobic glycolysis), isn't it?