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Q: What is a verbal model used for?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a verbal model and a algebraic model?

The differnce between a verbal model and a algebraic model is that a verbal model is an equation written in words and a algebraic model is solving the equation from the verbal model.

What is a verbal model as in a math term?

A verbal model is an expression that uses words instead of numbers

What is a verbal model?

Verbal Model - When you solve a problem, it may help you write a verbal model. Use symbols for operations, and use words to label necessary information.This is right out of a 7th grade math book.

What is a math verbal model?

A math verbal model is when a mathematical model is completely written out in words instead of numerals. There are also no graphs, formulas, or tables as they are simply written out like sentences.

What is a visual verbal or mathematical explanation of how things occur?


What is the definition of verbal?

Of, or pertaining to, words. A communication is verbal if words are used.

A word equation that represents a real-life problem?

Verbal Model

Why is nonverbal communication related to the transactional model?

The transactional model model of communication suggests that individuals communicating are constantly and simultaneously sending and receiving messages. In this case, non-verbal communication is the way an individual sends messages when they're not being verbal.

How do you use a verbal model to solve a problem?

the differnce of 7 and a number n

What is a SRA verbal form test?

An SRA verbal test is a general abilities test. It is used in schools and some jobs. It tests comprehension and verbal skills. It cam be giving in verbal and non-verbal forms of the test.

Is a verbal an intransitive verb?

No, a verbal is not a type of verb. Verbal is a term used to describe words derived from verbs that function as other parts of speech, such as gerunds or infinitives.

What is verbal?

Verbal is defined as a form of communication in which spoken words are used in place of pictures, sign language, or written words. Verbal communication is often used to provide instruction, relay information or knowledge, or for entertainment.