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Q: What is a way to diagram chemical bonds and compounds?
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What is the importance of chemical bonding in molecules?

Chemical bonds are what keep the atoms in a molecule together, without them you won't exist, the tables and chairs and anything visible would no exist. No compounds would exist but because of the way atoms are held together these bonds exist. It is impossible for them not to make bonds with their current structure.

What is a chemical bond used for?

A chemical bond is not a product for use, it is the way of binding atoms in molecules.

Can you use alpha radiation to make new compounds such as Helium Oxide and Helium Dichloride?

No. Alpha radiation can trigger chemical reactions, but it cannot change the fact that helium does not form stable chemical bonds. Even if you could find a way of forcing such compounds together, they would spontaneously decompose.

The systematic way to assign names to chemical compounds is called?

This is chemical nomenclature accepted by IUPAC.

How is the way a mixture is combined different from how a compound is combined?

In making a mixture there has been no change in the chemical bonds, in making a compound the chemical bonds are changed.

How is the way a mixture is combined different from how compound is combined?

In making a mixture there has been no change in the chemical bonds, in making a compound the chemical bonds are changed.

A chemical formula is an expression used to represent?

Chemical formulas are a shorthand way to represent chemical compounds. For example, CO2 is quicker to write than carbon dioxide.

What are the chemical changes of electriciy?

CHEMICAL Chemical energy is stored in the bonds between atoms. This stored energy is released and absorbed when bonds are broken and new bonds are formed - chemical reactions. Chemical reactions change the way atoms are arranged. These reactions both absorb and release energy, but the net reaction releases energy.

Compounds like NaCl which are bonded this way have very strong bonds and high melting points?

Ionic Bond

Why are grapes examples of chemical bonds?

Grapes are examples of chemical bonds because of the way they all stick together close. Just like a molecule (which is what atoms are once they bond to two or more).

What is a Lewis Structure?

A Lewis structure is a model that uses electron-dot structures to show how electrons are arranged in molecules. Pairs of dots or lines represent bonding pairs this is a CO32− model

What do you think would happen if all atoms did not need to gain or lose electrons and were happy just the way they are in their neutral form?

Chemical bonds -- the linking of atoms -- would not occur. Since chemical bonds are a requirement for living beings, a Universe with no chemical bonds would have no life to be bothered by the fact that life was impossible in that Universe.