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Gold, it's very pliable.

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Mercury is considered a weak metal on the Periodic Table. It is a liquid metal at room temperature and has a low tensile strength compared to other metals.

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Is the left side of the periodic table a metal or non metal?

The left side of the periodic table typically consists of metals. These elements tend to have properties like high electrical conductivity, luster, and malleability.

Is any metal on the periodic table?

Yes there is. About 74% of the periodic table is metals.

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yes there are liquid metals on the periodic table. for example mercury

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Chlorine is a non-metal. It is placed in group-17 of the periodic table.

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An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals, while an element on the periodic table is a pure substance made up of only one type of atom. To identify if a metal is an alloy or an element, you can check its composition. If it contains more than one type of metal, it's likely an alloy. If it contains only one type of metal, it's likely an element.

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Lithium, just look at the periodic table.

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Hydrogen can be considered as a non metal. It is placed to the left of the periodic table.

The answer to magnesium a metal nonmetal or metalliod?

Magnesium, on the far left of the periodic table, is a definite metal. Magnesium, on the far left of the periodic table, is a definite metal.

Is bismuth the first basic metal on the periodic table?

No, bismuth is in the group 15 of the periodic table.

Is mercury metal a element?

Yes it is! look at the Periodic Table

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The periodic table of the elements is filled mostly with metal elements.

What are the two division of periodic table?

The two main divisions of the periodic table are the metals on the left side and the nonmetals on the right side. The metals are further divided into alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, and other metals, while the nonmetals include elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and the noble gases.