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== == This may be a sebaceous cist, which is filled with fluid and is surrounded by a hard shell. These are usually not dangerous and can be removed by a simple surgical cut and stitch procedure. It will be tested in a lab to see if it has cancerous cells, most do not. Some people are more prone to these than others.

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Q: What is a white knot on the back of the ear?
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I have a knot on back of my right ear. It's the size of a quarter like It hurts from the area in front of my ear above my ear lobe back to above the knot its real tender. what could it be?

Just a possibility: you have lymyph nodes back there which could be swollen due to some infection your body is dealing with. It could also be a clogged lymph node. Either way, probably better see a Doc.

Can you tie your ear in a knot?

no way unless you rip it into ribbons

What is a large knot on the back of the neck at the base of the skull that can be moved and interferes with innner ears?

Could be swollen lymph nodes caused by an inner ear infection.

Knot between skull and left ear doesn't hurt but have headache?


When was the slip knot invented?

The slip knot it a class of knot that goes back before recorded history. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on the slip knot.

What do you do if you slipped a knot in knitting?

pull it back out

What does a white ear mean on a guinea pig?

Nothing... just that it has a white ear. One of its parents is probably white or has white patches of fur.

Is it possible for the inside of your ear to turn white?

No, its not possible for your ear to turn white because of an infection.

When was White Bim Black Ear created?

White Bim Black Ear was created in 1977.

Your ear piercing has a infected knot on the back of it that keeps coming back what is it and what can you do to heal it?

That is just part of the infection. The puss gets in a little ball under the skin and forms that knot. If it seems really infected and these steps don't help, you need to call your doctor. That is always the easiest and safest solution. Here are some tips for getting rid of infection: 1 - Create a rinse out of warm water mixed with non-iodized salt with ration 8:1. Rinse your ear with this solution several times a day. 2 - Squeeze the knot to get the puss out and then do the rinse. I think this is the most important step. It hurts, but you have to get the junk out. Then rinse with either type of saline solution. 3 - Change out the earing to a smaller one that does not bother your ear while you are sleeping. This sounds weird, but it makes all the difference. 4 - Rinse your ear several times a day with the saline solution the ear piercing kit came with. 5 - Rub an ice cube on the infected area of the ear lobe. This can reduce inflammation. 6 - And if worse comes to worse, you can always take the earing out. The knot will eventually clear up.

What is the duration of White Bim Black Ear?

The duration of White Bim Black Ear is 3.05 hours.

What would a knot or lump-like substance in the right side of a 16-year-old's neck be?

its a glan if its behind the ear.