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The "ability to read" is the Proses of transforming "Shapes" (letters) into feelings and/or ideas.

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Ferne Streich

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Mark Greenholt

Lvl 13
2y ago

The "ability to read" is the Proses of transforming "Shapes" (letters) into feelings and/or ideas.

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What is read ability?

The "ability to read" is the Proses of transforming "Shapes" (letters) into feelings and/or ideas.

What is the ability to read?

The "ability to read" is the Proses of transforming "Shapes" (letters) into feelings and/or ideas.

What is a alliterate reader?

An alliterate reader is someone who has the ability to read but chooses not to do so, typically due to a lack of interest in reading or finding it difficult. This is different from an illiterate person who does not have the ability to read at all.

What is the ability to read minds?


What is pronunciation reading ability?

I would assume it is the ability to read aloud well.

Ability to read and write?

A person who can read and write is LITERATE

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What is Edwards vampire ability?

His ability only unique to HIM is the ability to read minds. except Bella's of course since she has her own ability even as a human.

What does literacy means in Hindi?

Literacy means the ability to read and write. In Hindi literacy is called Sākṣaratā. It means to have the ability to read, write and learn from written material.

What is geography and geographic literacy?

literacy is the ability to read and write .

What ability did the angel Gabriel give Muhammed?

the abilaty to read.

What is the disorder affecting the ability to speak or read known as?
