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Q: What is added to solid gold to turn it into a liquid?
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What is added until ice becomes a liquid?

The addition of thermal energy, or heat, if you prefer, will turn solid water (ice) into a liquid by melting it.

What is a liquid that can turn into a solid called?

The liquid that can turn into a solid is called a "freezing" or "solidification" process

What else can turn into a liquid from a solid to a liquid?

Theoretically, anything can be changed from a solid to a liquid with enough energy added. Consequently, any gas can be changed into a liquid when enough energy is removed from it.

What is the method to solidify a gas?

To turn a liquid into a solid you have to freeze it. To turn a gas into a solid you must first turn it into a liquid, then freeze it.

What solid turns into liquid?

Any liquid can turn into a solid at the correct temperature.

What things turn from solid ti liquid?

ice , wax , butter ps water (a liquid) can turn into ice(a solid)

What is it when you turn liquid into solid?


What can wax candle turn in to liquid or solid?

liquid 130

What liquid turn to a solid when boil?

What is liquid that turn to a solid when boil is egg before boil its lequid after boild it is solid.

How does a liquid liquid solution form?

A liquid-solid solution is when a liquid turns to a solid. You can tell because if you put a glass of water in the freezer, it will turn to ice (solid).

What does it mean if a liquid turns into a solid?

The temperature affecting the liquid must have been below freezing for the liquid to turn into a solid.