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It is a parallelogram with 4 right angles

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Q: What is always true about a rectangle?
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Is it true a square is always a rectangle?

A square is a type of rectangle and the square is also a type of any other quadrilateral (four-sided figure)

What is always true about the area of a rectangle?

You can always find the area of a triangle - by dividing the length of the base by 2, then multiplying that figure by the height.

Is a rectangle always or somethimes a parallelogram?

Rectangle always

Many book covers are in the shape of rectangles. Which of the following is not always true?

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Which is always a rectangle?

A square is always a rectangle. A rectangle is not always a square. And both are quadrilaterals.

Are rectangle and rhombus always squares?

A rectangle is sometimes a square, but not always. When it is, it's also a rhombus. A rhombus is sometimes a square, but not always. When it is, it's also a rectangle. A square is always a rhombus and always a rectangle. Rectangles, rhombera, and squares are always parallelograms and quadrilaterals.

What is a rectangle always an example of?

A rectangle is always a quadrilateral and a parallelogram.

Is a triangle always a rectangle?

No, it is never a rectangle.

Is a square a rectangle and a rectangle a square?

Both statements are not always true. A square is a rectangle (a shape four sides and four corners which are all right angles) but a rectangle is not necessarily a square (a shape with four equal sides and four corners that are all right angles).

What is a square is a rectangle?

A square is always a rectangle, but it is a rectangle that isn't a square.

What is a rectangle a square?

A square is always a rectangle, but it is a rectangle that isn't a square.