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Q: What is ammaiappan kindi?
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What did al kindi do?

al-kindi is sexer

What is the population of Kindi Department?

Kindi Department's population is 13,033.

When did Al-Kindi die?

Al-Kindi died in 873.

Did AL KINDI you write his own books?

he wrote his own book

Who was Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Kindi?

Al-Kindi was a famous Arab philosopher and scientist who lived from 801 to 873 AD. According to him, it was impossible to convert one metal into another. He made many observations and deductions in the fields of math, pharmacology, and chemistry.

Unanswered acrostic poem of kindness?

K- kindI- integrityN- nattyD-daffodilN- nippyE- enthusiasticS- saluteS- share

What is al-Kindi credited with in the History of Science?

Aristotelian and Euclidean theories of OpticsHe is sometimes credited as one of the first distillers of alcohol

What has the author George N Atiyeh written?

George N. Atiyeh has written: 'Al-Kindi' -- subject(s): Islamic Philosophy

What are the contribution of yaqoob al kindhi?

Al-Kindi, an Arab philosopher and polymath, made significant contributions to various fields such as mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and music. He is known for his works on Islamic philosophy and translating Greek philosophical texts into Arabic, which helped preserve and transmit knowledge to the Islamic world. Al-Kindi's pioneering work in mathematics laid the foundation for the development of algebra and his studies in optics advanced the understanding of light and vision.

What did the Muslims mathenaticians invent?

1.algebra , by aljabr, and khwarazmi 2.decimal and zero, by khwarazmi. 3. numbers, by al khwarazmi and al kindi.

What are the three contributions of yaqoob kindi in the field of physics?

Yaqub al-Kindi, an Arab scholar from the 9th century, made significant contributions in the field of physics by pioneering work in optics, introducing new experimental techniques for studying light and vision, and proposing a theory of vision based on the emission of light rays from objects. He also wrote influential works on the nature of motion and the concept of time.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Strangers - 2009?

The cast of The Strangers - 2009 includes: Kindi Aloush Lila Atrash Maxim Khalil Oasi Khuli Paul Sleiman