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Q: What is an ATP molecule that loses a phosphate called?
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What is left after ATP molecule loses a phosphate molecule?

Adenosine diphosphate. ADP. Two phosphate groups.

What molecule is formed when ATP loses a phosphate group and releases energy?

ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) Technically, ATP breaks into ADP and a molecule of inorganic phosphate.

What molecule forms when ATP loses a phosphate?

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) looses a phosphate to form ADP (Adenosine diphosphate), and release energy.

When ATP loses phosphate it turns it what?

When ATP loses inorganic phosphate, Pi, through ATPase, you get ADP

What is the procces called When an ADP molecule gains a phosphate and becomes an ATP molecule?


When an ADP molecule gains a phosphate it becomes an ATP molecule. This process is called?

This process is called phosphorylation.

When ATP loses a phosphate group is released for cells and molecule of forms?

When ATP loses a phosphate group, it is converted into ADP (adenosine diphosphate). This conversion releases energy that can be used by cells for various biochemical processes. The remaining molecule, ADP, can then be converted back into ATP through the process of cellular respiration to restore its energy-storing capacity.

What happens to the ADP molecule produced when ATP loses a phosphate during and energy transfer?

The Answer is: the Energy from cellular respiration is used to convert ADP back to ATP.

When an ADP molecule gains a phosphate it becomes an ATP molecule. This process is called .?


How do the ATP and ADP molecules look different?

An ATP molecule has an extra phosphate group compared to an ADP molecule. This is because ATP has 3 phosphate groups as where ADP only has two phosphate groups.

Does an ATP molecule include adenosine?

Yes, ATP contain adenine. Actually ATP stand for " Adenosine tri phosphate". Yes, ATP contain adenine. Actually ATP stand for " Adenosine tri phosphate".

Where is energy stored in the molecule of ATP?

An ATP molecule is made of ribose, adenosine, and phosphate. The energy is stored within the bonds of the phosphate molecules.