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9mo ago

One adjective from the word "reason" is "reasonable."

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Q: What is an adjective from the word reason?
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The noun 'reason' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or belief; the power of the mind to think, understand; a word for a concept. The word 'reason' is also a verb: reason, reasons, reasoning, reasoned.

What part of speech is the word reasonable?

it is either a verb or a noun depends what type of reason you are looking for

What is the noun for reasonable?

The word 'reason' is a noun; a word for a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or belief; the power of the mind to think, to understand; a word for a thing.The word 'reason' is also a verb: reason, reasons, reasoning, reasoned.

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The word 'discrimination' is a noun; a word for the act of perceiving distinctions; a word for treatmentof some people better than others without any fair or proper reason; a word for a thing.The adjective form is discriminating.

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Reason is the root of unreasonable. The un- prefix reverses the meaning, and the -able suffix makes it an adjective. So it means the state of lacking reason.

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The word "illogical" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that does not follow the rules of logic or reason.

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The word "illogical" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that does not follow the principles of logic or reason.

What part of speech is leisurely?

It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.

Is the word a noun or adjective?

A word is a thing. The word 'word' is a noun.

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Synonyms for the adjective 'gratuitous' as a word that describes a noun as done or provided freely with nothing expected in return, are:complimentarycostlessfree of chargegratison the houseunpaidvoluntarySynonyms for the adjective 'gratuitous' as a word that describes a noun as uncalled for; lacking good reason, are:baselessflimsygroundlessunfoundedunjustifiedunwarranted