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Empirically is used mostly in science, as its based on test subject within the laboratory, and based on actual experience by carrying out tests. And also based against information gather by past experiments done by actual scientists or laboratory assistants/workers

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Q: What is an antonym for empirically?
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What part of speech is empirically?

The word empirically is an adverb.

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"Empirical" means -originating in or based on observation or experience. Something is "empirically wrong" when it is deducted or proved to be wrong by such an observation or experience. For example "oil dissolves in water" is an empirically wrong statement.

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How does the size of a beryllium atom compare to one of oxygen?

The empirically atomic radius of beryllium (105 pm) is higher than the empirically atomic radius ofoxygen (60 pm).

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Hermann Ebbinghaus

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Logical empiricists try to obtain a better understanding of knowledge by restricting it to what is either empirically verifiable or deductible from what is empirically verifiable. .

What is antonym of the word synonym?

The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.

The meaning of empirically?

By experiment or experience; without science; in the manner of quacks.

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.

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A theory is empirically adequate if its empirical (observable) consequences are true.

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what is an antonym for veranda?what is an antonym for veranda?

What is an antonym for 'from'?

The antonym for from is to. Because antonym means opposite.