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An argumentum ad populum is a fallacious argument which concludes that a proposition is true because many people believe it.

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Q: What is an argumentum ad populum?
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Name the rhetorical device that tries to justify an action on the grounds that it is normal behavior accepted by all or most people?

The rhetorical device that attempts to justify an action based on popular belief or participation is an argumentum ad populum. Argumentum ad populum is a logical fallacy, because popular opinion can often be wrong.

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What is the rhetorical device that tries to justify an action on the grounds that it is normal behavior accepted by all or most people?

That would be called a "red herring" fallacy, an informal fallacy known as argumentum ad populum.

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An argumentum ad Lazarum is an appeal to poverty - a logical fallacy that a conclusion is correct because the speaker is poor.

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An argumentum ad crumenam is a logical fallacy of concluding that a proposition is correct because the person suggesting it is rich.

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An argumentum ad fidem is a fallacious argument that asserts the truth of a proposition by an appeal to pious testimony or religious revelation.

What type of logical fallacy asserts an argument that is based on popularity rather than on evidence and reasoning?

The logical fallacy based on popularity rather than evidence and reasoning is called argumentum ad populum, or the appeal to popularity. This fallacy suggests that something must be true or valid simply because many people believe it to be so.

What is an argumentum?

An argumentum is a formal term for an argument.

What is 'argumentum ad baculum' in English?

Argument to the stick is the English meaning of 'argumentum ad baculum'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'argumentum' means 'argument'. The preposition 'ad' means 'to'. The noun 'baculum' means 'stick'. Stick is not referring to a stick as in a twig or a branch, it is referring to an object like a club that is used to hit things, like the club that police carry around. They carry it around, because they use it to make people stop doing things like running away from them.

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ad populum