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An arrow can be used to show the direction of propagation of a light wave. The arrow points in the direction of travel of the wave, indicating how the wave is moving through space. It helps to visualize the path of the light wave and understand its movement.

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Q: What is an arrow used to show the path and direction of a light wave?
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Which shows the direction of light?

The direction of light is determined by the path it travels in, from its source to its destination. In a visual representation like a diagram or image, arrows pointing from the light source in the direction of illumination can show the path and direction of light. Light travels in a straight line until it encounters an obstacle or medium that may cause it to change direction.

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The arrow's direction indicates the velocity's direction, while the arrow's length represents the velocity's magnitude.

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An arrow used to show a force indicates the direction of the force and its magnitude relative to other forces in the system. The length and direction of the arrow represent the strength and direction of the force, respectively.

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You can draw arrows to show forces acting on an object by representing each force as an arrow with the length and direction corresponding to the magnitude and direction of the force, respectively. Make sure to label each arrow with the force it represents and indicate the object on which the forces are acting.

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