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Q: What is an art technique that creates distance by making closer objects larger?
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Do bigger objects orbit closer to the than smaller objects?

No. An object of just about any size can orbit at any distance.

What happens to force of gravity when the distance between two objects decreases?

As the distance between two objects decreases (i.e. they get closer together), the force of gravity increases.

How is the distance between the centers of two objects related to the size of the pull of gravity between them?

The closer the distance, the greater the pull of gravity between them.

What would the force of gravity tend to do to the distance between two objects in space?

probably pull them closer

How is gravitational force related to the mass of two objects interacting and the distance between theme?

the larger the objects the more gravity it can potentially have, the closer objects are the more the attraction they have between them.

According to Coulombs Law how does distance affect the electric force?

Electric force can act at a distance, but is stronger when objects are closer. the electric force is larger the closer the two objects are The electric force varies with the distance between the charges. The closer they are, the stronger the force. The farther apart they are, the weaker the force.

What happens if the distance between two objects is reduced to half?

The gravitational force becomes 4 times stronger than it was before the objects moved closer.

What is the function of a telescope?

A telescope is an optical instrument used to make distance views and objects appear closer to the user.

If the mass stays the same and distance decreases does the gravity between two objects decrease or increase?

Increases. The closer they are, the harder the pull.

How can psychic distance influence tone?

A larger psychic distance usually creates a less inimate tone. A closer psychic distance can create a more intimate tone.

Force of gravity between two objects if the distance between them increase?

Gravity weakens as the two objects recede from one another. It is when they get closer that gravity starts to act up. Gravity attracts the objects with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Why there is no force of attraction between closer objects?

If you mean gravitational attraction, there is such a force between ANY two objects. The force depends on the distance (if two objects are closer, the attraction is stronger), and on the masses involved (if the masses are larger, the force is larger). The masses of "everyday" objects, for example two people, are so small (for the purposes of the gravitational force) that the force is hard to measure.