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A court proceeding where the defendant is informed of the charges, and often given the opportunity to plead guilty, not guilty or no contest.
An arraignment is usually a criminal defendant's first appearance in court or before a judge on a criminal charge.

At arraignment, the charges against the defendant will be read or the defendant will be asked if he/she is aware of the charges against them, and they will be asked how they wish to plead. It is not a hearing to determine guilt or innocence.

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12y ago
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16y ago

If your are detained and questioned by the police as a suspect in a crime, you must be charged with a crime or released. If you are charged, you are Mirandized and arraigned. You wait in jail for a bail hearing. When you get your hearing, the judge will hear the charges against you brought by the ADA and you will have a court-appointed defense attorney; the judge will assign the amount of bail and the method in which it may be paid: cash or bond. I'm not an attorney and this is not in any way to substitute for actual legal advice.

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12y ago

Arraignment is where you formally enter a plea in a criminal case.

If you enter a plea of guilty or nolo contendre, you will probably be sentenced at that time.

If you plead not guilty, another date may be set for any necessary hearings, such as motions, or for trial, or you may be told that you will be informed of a trial date by mail.

Added: . . . and you might be remanded to jail or, if eligible, released on bond.

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12y ago

It's the first point at which the state must advise you of the specific charges against you in a criminal matter. Before this you may have been arrested for something and even posted bail - but at the arraignment the final charges are made public and they may not even be the original things you were arrested for. For instance, you may have been arrested for writing a bad check, but the final charge against you may be fraud or even theft - this has been determined by the prosecuting attorney after your arrest by a peace officer. Whatever you were arrested for in the first place is "amended" to include the new filing and the original charges forgotten. At this point your bond (if you posted one) may also be amended (and usually is) to either be increased or to be continued as the bond for the new charges. This is also the place where either the defense or prosecuting attorney's can begin to file procedural motions. This is NOT the time where a witnesses will be heard, this is only the formal reading of the charges against you.

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13y ago

At an Arraignment a criminal complaint is formally read aloud in the presence of a defendant. The purpose of the arraignment is to inform the defendant of the charges that have been laid against them. In the setting of the federal court within the United States, arraignments are in two parts. The initial arraignment serves as an opportunity to inform the defendant of their right to retain counsel, and gives the presiding judge the opportunity to choose to set bail.

In the context of the federal courts, at the Post-Indictment Arraignment (following the Initial Arraignment), the defendant will be allowed to enter a plea in response to the charges that have been laid against them. These are the responses of "guilty," "not guilty," or peremptory pleas, which are pleas that describe why a trial cannot go forward. These pleas include being tried for the same offense twice, being acquitted of the same offense, and being pardoned for the offense.

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15y ago

A court hearing held to determine how much, if any, bail is to be set for someone's release.

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Can you get a bond at your arraignment if you have already been indited?

No you can't do that

Can you get arrested at arraignment if your already on bond?

Yes,you can trust me

Is there a time limit for arraignment while on bond in mi?

Six years.

Can you have a bond arraignment if you were never arrested?

No. Legally impossible. If you were never taken into custody and held, you have no need to be released on bond.

Can you go to a bond arraignment without a lawyer?

Not a good idea. The lawyer can negotiate it better than you can.

Should a person charged with a felony have to pay a bail bond as well as an arraignment bond?

More would have to be known about the situation. HOWEVER - it SEEMS that, if the defendant was released on an arraignment bond and was subsequently indicted, officially charged, and the court process begun, then the arraignment bond would be subjugated to an appearance bond, but state laws may vary on this, and there may be more than just one charge against the defendant in play here. Not enough information is being disclosed. As far as expenses charged by a bailbondsman for supplying these services, you would have to speak with the bailbondsman to get a clearer picture.

Phases of how a criminal case moves through the court system beginning with an investigation phase and ending in the sentencing phase?

Investigation > Arrest > Booking > Arraignment > Bond hearing (note: sometimes the arraignment and bond hearing are held simultaneously) > Preliminary hearing(s) > Jury Selection > Trial > Jury Deliberation > Verdict > Sentencing.

How do you use arraignment in a sentence?

He's up for arraignment tomorrow.

At what stage of the court process is the bail decision made?

(in the US) Oftentimes at the Arraignment Hearing. If not then, in a bond hearing shortly afterwards.first appearance. your welcome now get that 100!

How would you use arraignment in a sentence?

At his arraignment, Frank gave a plea of not guilty

What is an order for arraignment?

An order for arraignment is a court document that instructs a defendant to appear in court to be formally informed of the charges against them and to enter a plea (guilty or not guilty). It sets the date, time, and location for the arraignment to take place.

What is a fta arraignment?

A f.t.a arraignment is another charge that stands for failure to appear in court