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Q: What is an easier way to use than spreadsheet?
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What is a way of recording results in columns?

use a spreadsheet like excel, or use a pencil

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advanced algebra is hard simple algabra is easy

How do you deploy a VB DLL in java?

use VC++ as a bridge between VB and Java. there seems to be no easier way than that. good luck. use VC++ as a bridge between VB and Java. there seems to be no easier way than that. good luck.

Why does a shopkeeper use a spreadsheet?

He could use it to tally up his weekly stock or weekly total

What is the importance of being able to produce a spreadsheet to display data correctly?

One of the most important things in a spreadsheet is to have the data laid out correctly and displayed in a structured and organised way. If the data is displayed correctly, it will be much easier to understand and work with. Creating formulas will be easier. Seeing totals and other important information will be easier too. It will make it easier to create charts. It will help reduce errors and provide consistency. It will make it easier to find errors when they do occur.

What is the formula to find the sum of A1A2and A3?

I assume you mean the formula as used in a spreadsheet? Place the formula in cell A4 =SUM(A1:A3) or you can use =Sum(A1+A2+A3) - This is a loger way of doing it but for someone new to calculations in spreadsheet cells its easier to check and edit if you need to change a cell reference.

What is the formula to find the sum of cells A1A2and A3?

I assume you mean the formula as used in a spreadsheet? Place the formula in cell A4 =SUM(A1:A3) or you can use =Sum(A1+A2+A3) - This is a loger way of doing it but for someone new to calculations in spreadsheet cells its easier to check and edit if you need to change a cell reference.

Is it easier to ride with clip in pedals?

its more efficient/faster, but easier is a personal preference, they are tricky to disengage from for newbies, but you get use to it, then they are WAY better than other pedals.

Why did Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston invented Microsoft Excel?

He didnt invent Microsoft Excel he invented VisiCalcwhich is basically the same thing. And he didnt even Paten VisiCalc but it was known to be there invention. He invented it to make an easier way to organize information onto a spreadsheet.

Why do people use addition today?

It is the way people's brains work, it is easier to count up rather than down.

What can you do if you are a PC?

You can hack WAY easier than a mac.

Who might use a spreadsheet model?

people who use spreadsheet models might be phone companies, concert hosts or any one who needs an easy way to find out how long/how much it is going to be