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An energy pyramid is the graphical representation of the trophic levels (nutritional) by which the incoming solar energy is transferred into an ecosystem. The source of energy for living beings on Earth is the Sun.

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15y ago

The energy pyramid shows predators and prey. At the bottom, there is the most common and most available food/energy source. (This is usually sun or grass/plants). The next level up is a predator that eats the grass, or uses the sun. This would be an insect, most likely, such as a grasshopper that eats the plants. Or, this would be the grass that uses the sun's energy to make food. Anyways, the energy from one organism is transferred to the next organism. This chain continues on (bird eats grasshopper, snake eats bird, and hawk eats snake). Therefore, the hawk now had all of the energy of the sun, grass, grasshopper, bird, and snake. The hawk is the top predator, and would be at the top of the pryamid. As each animal is eaten, it goes to the top of the pyramid, showing that there are less and less predators. For example, there is more grass than hawks, right? hope this helps!

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12y ago

An ecological energy pyramid is a pyramid that demonstrates the energy levels at each trophic level. The base of the pyramid is largest, and the organisms at the base of the pyramid are most common. As you go up the energy pyramid, energy decreases, and so do the number of organisms.

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