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Q: What is an economy that has mostly service and information jobs called?
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While Turkey's mostly free-market economy is moving toward its industrial and service sectors, agriculture still accounts for about a quarter of the population's employment.See The World Factbook link listed below for more information:

Where can I find information about enlace TV service?

Enlace TV service is catered to mostly Hispanic population. More information can be found on their website if you are well verse in Spanish, otherwise, Wikipedia offers basic information on the cable provider.

What type of Economy is in Vietnam?

Mostly agriculteral.

What type of economic system does Qatar have?

MonarchySomeone wrote Monarchy, a monarchy is a government system. The true answer is Mostly market. That answer is actually a economic system.

What jobs does a comparison service offer?

A comparison service offers jobs in compiling information, mostly. In order to make comparisons, you must first compile data to compare, which is a lot of work.

Who controls the economy of North Korea?

mostly the state

What is it called when capturing sailors and forcing them into military service?

Not sure if this is specific to modern warfare, it mostly happened in the late 1700s and early 1800s. It is called Impressment.

What kind of economy does Chad have?

Chad's economy is mostly subsistence agriculture; it is one of the poorest countries in the world.

How can how can the weather affect the economy in Latin America?

They are mostly a farming economy and if the weather is bad it effects the plants.

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stupid stuff

What was the economy of roman empire in AD100?

Mostly A Trading Civilization.

Is Brazil mixed economy?

Supposedly. it is mostly market though.