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An ecosystem is an entire area that can sustain life. Ecosystems come in many sizes. If you take a look around you, you will see how we are a part of an ecosystem and we interact with other living organisms to maintain our lives. We eat animals, and we raise animals and feed them also. You can have a complete ecosystem on an acre of land and be self sufficient. But you will be interacting with all sorts of living creatures that make your life possible, from microscopic life to the big fat cow you are going to butcher for dinner this month.

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Q: What is an ecosystem and how to do organisms interact?
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What is a group of organisms of different species that live and interact together referred as?

the answer is it can be ecosystem.

How is food chain related with ecosystem?

because of feeding relationship,organisms interact in the ecosystem

How do organisms interact with other organisms in an ecosystem?

Through a special way calle dengleng.

What are major ways in which organisms in an ecosystem interact?

Competition, symbiosis, and predation

What are the major ways in which organisms in an ecosystem interact?

Organisms in an ecosystem interact through various ways such as competition for resources like food and shelter, predation where one organism eats another, mutualism where both benefit from the interaction, and parasitism where one benefits at the expense of the other. These interactions help maintain the balance and stability of the ecosystem.

There can be several in an ecosystem?

By its very definition an ecosystem requires several organisms. An ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment. It is the very concept of all of the organisms and their interaction with the area in which they live. Without some organisms and an environment to interact with you don't have an ecosystem.

What are all the organisms that interact with each other in an ecosystem called?

They are called a community. A community consists of all the different species living in the same area and interacting with one another.

Under water echosystem?

An ecosystem is a community of organism and the environment that they live in. it is the study of how they interact. An underwater ecosystem would be the way that coral, fish and other organisms interact unwater.

What will happen if an organism is alone in a ecosystem?

If an organism is alone in a ecosystem it will definitely die. A single organism cannot form an ecosystem as it has to interact with other organisms.

How do organisms interact with each other and with their invironment?

In many many was as part of the living ecosystem.

What are the different ecosystem in the Philippines?

The Philippines is home to various ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangrove forests, tropical rainforests, and marine habitats. These ecosystems support a diverse range of flora and fauna, many of which are endemic to the region. It is important to protect and preserve these ecosystems due to their ecological significance and biodiversity.

Organisms interact with each other and with the nonliving environment around them in a?

population**Correction it is Ecosystem(plato)