

What is an empty volume of space?

Updated: 5/28/2024
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12y ago

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An empty volume of space refers to a region in the universe that contains no matter or particles. It is devoid of any physical substance, including gas, dust, planets, stars, or any other form of mass. These empty spaces are characterized by a lack of electromagnetic radiation and are often found in the vast expanse of outer space.

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How could you determine the percentage of empty space in a square claening sponge?

To determine the percentage of empty space in a square cleaning sponge, you would first calculate the total volume of the sponge. Then, measure the volume of the material in the sponge (not including empty space). Finally, divide the volume of empty space by the total volume and multiply by 100 to get the percentage of empty space.

What is The empty space in a container?

The empty space in a container is the volume inside the container that is not filled with any material. It is important to consider this empty space when determining the appropriate amount of material that can be safely and efficiently stored in the container.

What is a volume of space that is empty of matter?

There may not be any such place, but the farther you get from stars (including ours) the less matter you find. Presumably between galaxies you might find very empty space. Such a volume of space is called a 'vacuum'.

Elaborate on what the nuclear model of the atom indicates about the volume in the atom.?

The nuclear model of the atom suggests that an atom is mostly empty space with a small, dense nucleus at the center. The volume of an atom is therefore primarily occupied by this empty space, with the nucleus accounting for a very small portion of the total volume.

How much empty space was there in the medium-sized rock sample?

The medium-sized rock sample had approximately 30% empty space, meaning 30% of its volume was not occupied by solid material.

Related questions

How could you determine the percentage of empty space in a square claening sponge?

To determine the percentage of empty space in a square cleaning sponge, you would first calculate the total volume of the sponge. Then, measure the volume of the material in the sponge (not including empty space). Finally, divide the volume of empty space by the total volume and multiply by 100 to get the percentage of empty space.

What makes up the most the volume of atoms?

Empty space.

Calculate the fraction of empty space in cubic closest packing to five significant figures?

In cubic closest packing, also known as face-centered cubic (fcc) structure, the fraction of empty space is approximately 26%. This means that about 26% of the total volume is empty space between closely packed spheres.

What a volume of space that is empty of matter?

There may not be any such place, but the farther you get from stars (including ours) the less matter you find. Presumably between galaxies you might find very empty space. Such a volume of space is called a 'vacuum'.

How are volume and thermal expansion related?

they are both filled with empty space.

What is The empty space in a container?

The empty space in a container is the volume inside the container that is not filled with any material. It is important to consider this empty space when determining the appropriate amount of material that can be safely and efficiently stored in the container.

Is the most of the volume of an atom empty space or nucleus?

Most of the atom is empty space (between the electron orbitals and the nucleus itself). If your talking about nucleus vs. electrons then the nucleus is larger in volume and mass

What is a volume of space that is empty of matter?

There may not be any such place, but the farther you get from stars (including ours) the less matter you find. Presumably between galaxies you might find very empty space. Such a volume of space is called a 'vacuum'.

How do you prove that volume of an atom is chiefly empty space?

The mass and volumes of electrons are not significant compared to the volume of an atom.

Is almost all the volume of an atom empty space?

Yes, the majority of an atom's volume is indeed empty space. At the center of the atom is a dense nucleus containing protons and neutrons, while electrons orbit around the nucleus in distinct energy levels. The space between the nucleus and the electrons is where most of the atom's volume is found.

Where does the majority of the volume of an atom come from?

It is the empty space between the nucleus and the electron shells.

Rutherford concluded from his calculations that the volume of an atom is?

Mainly empty space, with a very small and dense nucleus at the center containing the majority of the atom's mass.