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an example for threshing

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4y ago

Example of treshing are hand beating and pedal or treadle thresher.

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Threshing is a term used in the process of refining grain. In the Bible people had "threshing floors" The wheat or other grain had to be separated from the stalks. This was done by beating (Threshing) the grain stalks until the grain fell free.

The threshing machine and cotton gin were invented in?

Cotton Gin- 1794 Threshing Machine- 1834

What are uses of threshing machine?

threshing is very useful in specially drip irrigation. as drip system is very important agriculture implement. threshing is done with a help of a tractor. thank you

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What are the release dates for Threshing Outfit at Work - 1903?

Threshing Outfit at Work - 1903 was released on: USA: May 1903

What are the release dates for Threshing Machine at Work - 1897?

Threshing Machine at Work - 1897 was released on: USA: September 1897

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What was the most common was of threshing?

To beat the grain with a stick and turn it over and over again that is the most common way of threshing grain.

How to repair a threshing machine?

The repair of a threshing machine can be very difficult depnding on the problem. It is best for safety that you have the machine repaired by a professional.