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An example of a hidden variable in psychology is individual differences in personality traits. These traits are not directly observable but can have a significant impact on behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Researchers often use self-report measures or observational methods to indirectly assess these hidden variables.

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Q: What is an example of a hidden variable in psychology apex?
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What can an experiment do in psychology apex?

In psychology, an experiment can be used to test hypotheses and determine cause-and-effect relationships between variables. By manipulating an independent variable and measuring its effects on a dependent variable, researchers can draw conclusions about the relationship between the two. Experiments allow psychologists to establish empirical evidence to support theories and enhance their understanding of human behavior.

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes?

Yes, that's correct. Psychology explores how individuals think, feel, and behave in various situations. It aims to understand aspects of human behavior and mental processes through scientific research and observation.

What is the study of Psychology Apex?

The study of psychology involves understanding human behavior and mental processes. It aims to explain how individuals think, feel, and act in different situations. Psychologists use various research methods and theories to explore topics such as emotions, memory, perception, and learning.

What is example of propaganda?

A article written by the U.S. president about why the United States should be friendly to China - apex

Which perspective in psychology proposes that behaviors and traits will flourish if they promote the transmission of one's genes?

Evolutionary psychology suggests that behaviors and traits will be favored if they contribute to the survival and reproduction of one's genes. This perspective posits that natural selection has shaped psychological mechanisms that enhance an individual's chances of passing on their genetic material to future generations.

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hidden variable - apex

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What describes the independent variable?

The variable is an experiment that is manipulated by the scientist. APEX

What can an experiment do in psychology apex?

In psychology, an experiment can be used to test hypotheses and determine cause-and-effect relationships between variables. By manipulating an independent variable and measuring its effects on a dependent variable, researchers can draw conclusions about the relationship between the two. Experiments allow psychologists to establish empirical evidence to support theories and enhance their understanding of human behavior.

A study showed that people with alcohol problems tend to be depressed more often than people without alcohol problems. Which factor could be a hidden variable in this situation apex?

All of these are correct.

Elementary students who eat breakfast have higher grades than those that dont For this statement which could be a hidden variable?

The income level of the student's household -apex (; The work schedule of the parent or parents

What describes an independent variableWhich of the following describes an independent variable?

for Apex: the variable is an experiment that is manipulated by the scientist.

What variable should you already know before you perform a experiment?

A manipulated variable. (Apex)

Bald people who wear diapers tend to cry more often than other people. In this statement age is a(n)?

Age is a confounding variable in this statement because it could influence both baldness and wearing diapers, as well as emotional behavior such as crying.

What on the graph indicates that there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?

a straight line[apex]

What on a graph indicates that there is a linear relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable?

a straight line[apex]

In an experiment the control variable is r and the response variable is s. Which variable is not manipulated but measured and represents the data being recorded?

S - Apex