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A product that is "not elastic" is considered "inelelastic." More precisely, we say that DEMAND for the product is elastic or inelastic (a good example of an"elastic product" is a rubber band, but that is to say nothing of its demand.

Inelastic goods tend to fall into a few categories. They may be goods which have few close substitutes. This means that broadly defined goods tend to have less elastic demand than narrowly defined goods. For example, "vegetables" have less elastic demand than "broccoli," because if the price of broccoli goes up, we can easily switch to cauliflower or asparagus. Likewise, "vegetables" have more elastic demand than "food." When vegetables are more costly, we can stock up on grains or fruits (but probably won't switch to more meats, since they tend to be more expensive already). If the price of food goes up, we will simply pay it if we can. Thus, "food" is a relatively inelastic good.

Another category of goods with inelastic demand is goods whose cost represents a small portion of our budgets. Salt is a great example. If the cost of salt doubles from $1 to $2, we are unlikely to cut our consumption in half. We may not even notice.

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