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It's The End of The World by R.E.M.

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Q: What is an example of a song lyric with a understatement in it?
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Related questions

Can you give an example of a lyric?

Like a song telling you the words to sing...

Is tiger an example of lyric poetry?

No, a tiger is not an example of lyric poetry. Lyric poetry is a type of emotional and song-like poetry that expresses the poet's feelings and thoughts. Tigers are large carnivorous mammals and are not related to poetry in that sense.

Is lyric a singular and plural word?

Yes, "lyric" can refer to a single set of words in a song or poem (singular) or to multiple sets of words (plural). For example, "The lyric of this song is beautiful" (singular) and "The lyrics of these songs are catchy" (plural).

How Which phrase from the proposal is an example of understatement?

"We anticipate a few challenges along the way" is an example of understatement in the proposal.

What is an example of a bad lyric?

It is believed that this question is asking about lyrics for the song Bad Example. This is a song by Pistol Annies and the lyrics to this song can be found on Metro Lyrics and Lyrics Freak.

What song contains the lyric How About You?

The song "How About You?", by Frank Sinatra.

What is a musical lyric?

Words to a song

Where can the lyric of the song Such great Heights by Postal Service be found online?

There are several lyrics sites online that give lyrics to the song "Such Great Heights" by the Postal Service to their members. A popular lyric site for many is Metro Lyric. Metro Lyric has the words to the song "Such Great Heights."

What song contains the lyric pour the patrone?

Pour the Patron' is the name of the song with the lyric. It is performed by the rapper by the name of Nipsey Hustle.

What song has these lyrics no man is an island and I need you honest I do?

I Need You by Ricky Nelson. If you ever need to know a song by a lyric just type it into Google and write "lyric"afetr it. I Need You by Ricky Nelson. If you ever need to know a song by a lyric just type it into Google and write "lyric"afetr it.

What happens to a cat if it eats lyric?

Once more in English, please? A "lyric" is the words to a song.

What is a lyric and a true lyric?

a lyric is a word of a song that also speaks to you and sometimes makes you want to dance or also maybe sing along to it