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Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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Q: What is an example of an eroded mountain?
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Old eroded mountains?

A Peneplain is an old eroded Mountain. A example of a Peneplain is Ouachita Mountain range in OK. The are the oldest peneplain mountain range in US.

What is an old eroded mountain called?

Peneplain is an eroded mountain.

What may have eroded the mountain to have a flat top?


Is Scafell Pike a folded mountain?

just eroded

What happens to a mountain root as the mountain is eroded?

it may come to the surface or possibly disperse

How will erosion affect a mountain range?

Erosion will cause the tops of mountains to become rounded after an extremely long time. An example of a new mountain range, with little erosion, would be the Himalayas in south-central Asia. An example of an eroded mountain range would be the Appalachians in eastern United States.

How has erosion shaped formerly large mountain ranges like the Appalachian mountain range?

it has eroded the peaks

What happened to Potters in Blue Mountain Lake?

It could have got eroded down.

Granite Peak is an example of an eroded?

it is batholiths

What happens to mountains when the top is eroded away?

When mountain tops erode away they start becoming infertile. When the top soil nutrients are eroded away with the top of the mountain trees and grasses may no longer survive in those places.

The kind of mountain has weathered and rounded peaks and gentle slopes?

Either a hills or a mature (well eroded, old) mountain range.

Because of isostasy a mountain will ultimately?

The isostasy of a mountain will make it ultimately be eroded to near sea level. This is considered science earth.