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Schools, joining a sports team, friends, media

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an organization with a specific purpose

~mshs seniors 2013

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An organization with a specific purpose

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Q: What is an example of an institution where secondary socialization takes place?
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Ask us is an example of an institution where secondary socialization takes place?

School is an example of an institution where secondary socialization takes place. This is where individuals learn values, norms, and beliefs that are specific to their society beyond their family teachings. Students interact with peers, teachers, and other members of society, shaping their identity and social behavior.

Where does secondary socialization take place?

Secondary socialization takes place outside of the family in institutions such as schools, workplaces, and peer groups. It involves learning the norms, values, and behaviors that are specific to these different social contexts.

Define school as a social institution?

A school as a social institution is an organization that plays a critical role in society by providing formal education and socialization opportunities for individuals. It serves as a place where knowledge is shared, skills are developed, and social norms are reinforced, contributing to the overall development and functioning of society.

What is the difference between agents and agencies of socialization?

the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

Do Socialization takes place entirely in childhood?


Succesion that takes place in a forest that has been destroyed by fire is an example of what?

Secondary succession

Difference between agencies of socialization n agents of socialization?

agencies of socialisation it is the place how practises the agent of socialisation his works

Where does second socialization take place?

Second socialization typically takes place within institutions such as school, workplace, or peer groups. It involves learning the norms, values, and behaviors associated with a particular social group, beyond what individuals learn in their family or primary socialization.

How does socialization for sex-roles takes place?

mainly doggy style

Desribe how secondary succession in a forest differs from primary succession after a volcano?

A good example of primary succession takes place after a volcano has a secondary succession is a process started by an event.

What is a secondary center?

its a place where secondary people go to :)

Is Occupation and place of residence are the two most important agents of political socialization?
