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The examples of an observation would be noted as to what you see occuring. For example if you had an apple cut it in half and left it on the counter for two hours and then came back to see it, you would notice that it turned brown, lost it's water and became smaller. Your observations are what you notice that has changed or happened.

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13y ago
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7y ago

Problem: I'm so beautiful.

Question: Am I beautiful because I wear mascara?

Hypothesis: If I don't wear mascara, I will no longer be used as beautiful.

Test: I wear mascara for a week, and ask 50 people to rate how attractive I am on a scale of 1-10. I do the same thing the next week, but do not wear mascara. I wear the same outfits and hairstyles and ask the same people.

Conclusion: People on average rated me 3 points higher when I wore mascara. I conclude that I probably am considered more beautiful when I wear mascara.

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11y ago

I have the same question but the best thing to do is ask your teacher about it (;

A scientific observation is when a process or substance is analysed using scientific methods following step by step procedures. When you do an experiment in lab , take for example how the nascent oxygen from a reaction can decolourize a substance we are learning the procedures and witnessing the process. And finally when we conclude the experiment as bleaching action of nascent oxygen and explain how and why it happened, it is a scientific observation. For someone who views the process and conclude it to be magic will not be a scientific observation. ;)

Take for another instance the analyses of a flower by a poet and a scientist.

The poet will focus on the radiance of the petals, the shape, the overall beauty, comment on the sweetness of honey and might comment hoe the pistil resides like a beautiful crown signifying the flowers glory and the sepal probably the velvet gown or a shield protecting the tender buds in defense to the world or probably mentioning that the flower shows us how to gradually reduce the jealousy signified by the colour green as we grow older.This is an artistic observation of the flower.

When this flower falls into the hands of a botanist the artist might suicide seeing how the flower is dissected and its beauty ruined. But lo! botanist analyses why the flower has a specific colour, the position of its whirls, analyse what kind of whirl it is, he have his own terms, androecium and gynoecium , how is placed, what number, what size, what family , what type etc etc... and what the botanist write on the flower would be scientific observation ;) I hope this is clear enough .

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14y ago

The scientific method, basically, is the process scientists use to solve problems and gather information. Take a school science project for an example. First, you identify the problem. Then you gather information about the problem, then come up with a hypothesis. After that, you do an experiment- record all your information while you are doing so. Lastly, you make your conclusion.

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9y ago

Observations are used in scientific study when conducting experiments to see what changes are occurring. It is operant to observe changes throughout an experiment, especially after changes have been made to the subject.

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7y ago

Any time you make a guess and then get information to either prove or disprove that guess, you are using the scientific method. You can use it to find out which car or cellphone or game you should buy, or to learn which clothes and colors look best on you, or even to figure out which Pokemon is closest to you!

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11y ago

:D hahahah d kaya aq c cedrick haha

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10y ago

by using your senses

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What examples of different ways in which observations are used in scientific inquiry?

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Inductive reasoning is a form of reasoning sometimes used in scientific inquiry, to the background of fixed stars; it is quite a different matter to know why.

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Scientific inquiry is the process of asking and investigating questions in order to better understand the natural world. It involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. The goal of scientific inquiry is to expand knowledge and improve our understanding of the world around us.

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Define the term scientific inquiry?

Scientific inquiry is a systematic process of investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, and developing scientific theories through observation, experimentation, and data analysis. It involves asking questions, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions based on evidence.

What is a scientifical question?

A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.

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What does inquiries mean?

An inquiry is a question you have about something. If you inquire about a topic, such as you did on this website, your question is an inquiry. Another example is a scientific inquiry- a scientist has a question about something, so they use an inquiry tool (such as a thermometer, scale, etc.) to answer their question.

Who does scientific inquiry?

Scientists do scientific inquiry.


A scientific question is one that can be answered by making observations and gathering evidence; one that can be investigate by scientific inquiry A scientific question is a type of question concerning something that is answerable with a scientific method, explanation or scientific experiment.