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I will not give you a facetious answer to this question, no sir!

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Q: What is an example of facetious language?
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Could you give me example sentences for facetious?

"She couldn't help but make a facetious remark about the new company policy during the meeting." "His facetious comments always lighten the mood in stressful situations." "I appreciate humor, but sometimes his facetious tone can be misinterpreted as insensitivity."

Do any words in the English language have four different vowels?

Yes, many.Some, such as facetious have five.

What is the correct spelling of facetious?


What part of speech is facetious?

Facetious means not meant to be taken seriously or literally, amusing; humorous.Sorry if that sounds facetious, but it is a valid point.

Correct spelling for fesisious?

The correct spelling is "facetious."

Is facetious an adverb?

No, "facetious" is an adjective, not an adverb. It describes someone who is joking or not serious in a humorous or inappropriate way.

Is the word facetious an adjective or an adverb?

Facetious is an adjective. The adverbial form is facetiously.

What are sentences that use the word facetious correctly?

When making a facetious statement, you might want to smile or otherwise indicate that you are not being serious. He didn't understand that I was being facetious when I told him I could type in my sleep. My facetious suggestion to dig a moat around City Hall did not amuse the mayor. Facetious remarks or a joke or two are an excellent way to begin a speech, no matter how formal or serious the topic, since humor is the best way to engage an audience.

How do you use facetious?

Jack's facetious tone did not sit well with the stoic board members.

What are synonyms for facetious?

Synonyms for facetious are humorous, comic, droll, ribald, joking, and jocular.

What 4 words in the English language show all vowels in alpha order?

Here's two: AbstEmIOUs fAcEtIOUs two more anyone?

When was Facetious Folly Feat created?

Facetious Folly Feat was created on 2006-10-30.