

What is an example of gravity in softball?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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when the ball is hit up into the air and comes back down

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Q: What is an example of gravity in softball?
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What Are 3 Scientific concepts of softball?

Gravity, momentum, and air resistance.

Will a softball bounce higher than a baseball?

it depends if the softball is heavier than the baketball then no it will bounce lower. If a basketball is heavier than a softball it will bounce higher because of gravity

Gravity is an example of what?

an example of gravity is sky diving. the gravity is pulling down the the ground after you jump out of the plane.

Which drops faster a canon ball or a softball?

They both drop at the same rate because of the law of gravity.

Which is not an example of gravity?

Nothing, gravity affects everything in the universe every yocto-second. You cant come up with a non example. Even anti-gravity is an example of gravity since your just reversing the pull of gravity to a push.

Does London England have a softball team?

It has lots of teams and they play in competitions. They have a league known as the Greater London Softball Mixed League for example.

Does a baseball or a softball goes further if you hit it from the same distance?

no, thethe gravity of a baseball is bigger than a softball's. so baseball has more friction than softball. hence, if you hit both of them from the same speed ,baseball will go further than softball.

Is gravity is example of physics?

Yes, gravity is a fundamental force in physics that describes the attraction between objects with mass. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around stars and pulling objects towards the Earth's surface.

What are non examples of gravity?

Mud is anon-example of gravity.

How do you create a softball bracket for a company softball tournament?

There are website online that you can use to create the simplest to the most involved brackets for free. is an example.

What has no gravity?

Technically, nothing is completely without gravity. However, in outer space, astronauts experience a microgravity environment due to the lack of significant gravitational pull from nearby objects. Objects appear weightless in this state because they are in freefall around Earth.

Is gravity an example of a scientific law?

Gravity is a fundamental force of nature, not a scientific law. Scientific laws describe how nature behaves under certain conditions, while gravity is a force that causes objects to be attracted to each other. The law that describes gravity is Newton's law of universal gravitation.