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The Amish exemplify the founder effect. After isolating themselves after the Reformation, they bred exclusively within their community decreasing genetic diversity,

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

The finches of the GalΓ‘pagos Islands are an example of the founder effect, where a small group of finches established a new population on an isolated island. Over time, genetic variations that were present in this small group became more prevalent in the subsequent generations of finches on the island.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

the enhancement of recessive traits

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Q: What is an example of the founder effect?
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Who is the founder of anusheelan samithi?

The founder of Anusheelan Samithi was P.C. Ray, a renowned Indian chemist and nationalist figure. The organization was established in 1902 in Calcutta to promote scientific research and foster a spirit of self-reliance among Indians during the colonial era.

Who was the founder of anthropology?

Franz Boas is often considered the founder of modern anthropology. He emphasized the importance of fieldwork, cultural relativism, and the idea that culture shapes human behavior. Boas' work laid the foundation for the development of anthropology as a distinct discipline.

Who is the founder of first generation?

The founder of First Generation is unknown, as the concept refers to a group of people who are the first in their families to attend college. It is a term used to describe individuals who are breaking barriers by pursuing higher education despite facing challenges such as lack of family precedent or financial resources.

Who is the founder of professional anthropology in the US?

Franz Boas is often considered the founder of professional anthropology in the US. He was a prominent figure in the discipline and is known for shaping modern anthropology through his emphasis on fieldwork, cultural relativism, and the idea that culture is learned rather than biologically inherited.

Whats the hawthrone effect?

The Hawthorne effect is a phenomenon where individuals modify their behavior because they are aware of being observed. This can lead to changes in behavior or performance that may not be reflective of their true capabilities or habits. The effect was first observed during a series of experiments conducted at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in the 1920s and 1930s.

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What an example of the founder effect?

the enhancement of recessive traits

An example of the founder effect?

The Amish population in the United States is an example of the founder effect. When a small group of individuals established the Amish community in the 18th century, they brought with them a limited genetic diversity. This has resulted in a higher frequency of certain genetic disorders within the Amish population due to the founder effect.

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Where do many species display founder effects?

Probably the best documented example of the founder effect in action is the Galapagos islands. However the founder effect is seen much more commonly in mountainous regions. Mountains offer many various environmental settings which may cut populations apart. An excellent example of this are populations which cross onto the opposite side of a mountain range than the rest of their species. This is very frequently seen in birds.

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