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Q: What is an excess of forward motion results in careless squandering?
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There are many things that results in obesity. There are people that eat to much and that do not work out.

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What is the effect of hydration on strength of a concrete?

Excess water (over hydration) causes weak concrete. The water in concrete is there to start a chemical process which results in the hardening process. The excess water is not used in the chemical process and results in a weakened concrete.

What is the medical term meaning benign tumor of the adrenal medulla that causes the gland to produce excess epinephrine and norepinephrine?

Pheochromocytoma is an adrenal tumor that results in excess epinephrine and norepinephrine

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An iron deficiency results in anemia. An excess of iron causes hemochromatosis.

What is the difference in normal and abnormal scapulohumeral rhythm?

In abnormal scapulo humeral rhthym, there is excess scapular movt, excess upper trapezius movts, winging of scapula and forward scapular movt may be noticed.

What is oxygen used for in the ocean?

Pick an ion or a gas and describe its role in the ocean or negative results from excess or abscence.

When energy intake continually exceeds energy expenditure the result is what?

It results in excess body fat and eventually obesity.

An excess of hydrogen ions (aka protons) in thebody fluids can have fatal results because this can?

All of the answers are correct.

How do you get a cyst?

A cyst is the accumulation of bacterial infection underneath the skin. This is usually caused by the combination of excess oil, excess skin, and presence of bacteria in the pores. The combination typically results in swelling, redness and pain.