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Q: What is an existing ticket?
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What is a mixed ticket?

A mixed ticket is the same as a split ticket.

If you haven't received your hall ticket by now what can you do?

Do you have a ticket number ? If so contact the ticket issuers and tell them your ticket number, and ask when you'll get your ticket.

Can i take your ticket?

Ticket to what?

How do you get the ticket on cryptids after you used your first ticket?

You can keep on using the ticket.

How do you get the ticket after booking an airline ticket?

If you bought ticket online, they will email your ticket to you. If you got it offline, you will get it as soon as you paid for it.

Why did the dog have to go to court?

It got a barking ticket.

Can you still purchase a ticket if your under the age or eighteen?

if the ticket is for a Jonas brothers concert you can but if the ticket is an airline ticket you cant.

How can you pay a ticket if you don't have the ticket?

The courthouse for the district governing the area in which you received the ticket will have the ticket on file and can give you a copy.

What is a yaller ticket?

A yaller ticket is a yellow ticket that is exchanged for a Dore Bible.

If you got a speeding ticket in MA and the officer did not sign the ticket can the ticket be thrown out?

As long as the officer that issued the ticket can be identified, say by the ticket number, the signature is not going to get it thrown out.

What is the meaning you i-ticket in indainrailway?

i ticket

What is neutral ticket?

A neutral ticket is a ticket that does not have a specific seating assignment or section. It allows the ticket holder to choose their seating location within a designated area or range of seats. This flexibility can be appealing for events where attendees have varying preferences for their viewing experience.