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There is no "impact asteroid". An asteroid impact however is when an asteroid hits a planet or moon.

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14y ago
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12y ago

An asteroid is a type of a outer space rock/boulder. It can range in size from a grain of sand to Seattle to Portland 3 times. There are some so big they are considered "dwarf planets".

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12y ago

It is when an astriod impacts something or hits it

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11y ago

7.28 is the mathmatical term. Or 9.287.581

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Q: What is the impact of asteroid when it direct hit the planet?
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What does a comet or a asteroid create when they hit a planet?

An impact crater. The size depends on the mass and speed of the object and where it strikes

When the earth got hit by an asteroid did it have an impact?

Impact, as in hit, sure.

What planet got hit by an asteroid?

Jupiter :P

What is the name of the asteroid that hit planet earth that set perfect orbit and rotation as we know it?

It was not an asteroid. It was a planet. The name starts with an 'M'.

Where was the last asteroid hit on earth?

There was one significant asteroid impact in 1908 - the Tunguska event. It is possible that smaller asteroids hit Earth after that. There was a smaller asteroid/meteor impact more recently - the Chelyabinsk event in 2013.

What was the immediate impact of the asteroid hit?

2012 you will know first hand

How great are the chances that an asteroid can hit your planet?

its a fifty fifty chance we just dont know It depends on how fast the asteroid is moving and the size of the asteroid. Then you have to consider the size of the planet (diameter, etc.), and its orbital speed, etc.

What would happen if a asteroid hit the sun?

An asteroid, being primarily composed of metals of vaious kinds, would melt and be vaporized long before making contact with the surface of the sun.

Why does Saturn the planet have rings?

Billions of years ago a giant asteroid hit Saturn and got tangled up in the planet, when slowy Saturn spun around. The rings are the remain of the asteroid, ice and rock .

Will we survives when a asteroid hit the ocean?

Yes, scientists have studied hundreds of 'nearby' asteroids and are quite confident that there are no asteroids capable of causing a major catastrophic impact currently on a collision course with our planet, at least in our lifetime.

What happened when an asteroid hit earth?

What happened when an asteroid hit the Earth is debatable but many scientists believe that this is what may have wiped out the dinosaurs. Some people believe that the asteroid created a dust cloud that covered the planet and caused a winter that froze most life.

When did the most current asteroid hit earth?

Depending on how you define "asteroid", it could have been last night.But there was an impact in Africa last October that probably qualifies as an "asteroid"; it was a space rock big enough to be seen through a telescope, and it was detected 18 hours BEFORE it hit. It was the first time scientists had ever observed a space rock before impact.